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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Brain Sneeze

     I can not say enough how happy, happy, happy, I am that we get a three day weekend.  Friday was one of the craziest days at work that I have ever had! phew! I normally get off work at 4:30 pm and can make it home in about 10 minutes. However, this Friday, I did not get home till nearly 6:00.  Which would have been fine but I had to go to my sister's lingerie shower, and that was at 7pm. I ran home change shirts and fought with Brylee to get dressed because she was wanted to go naked.  My child..lol.  The shower was really fun and Bry liked the cake the best I think.
Like mommy, like daughter :)

We should have had a box where before you came inside you had to drop off you cell phone because I go into the kitchen and this is all I see....lol
every body with their phones out.

We even played this game where we had to make lingerie out of toilet paper. It as pretty fun. You did a fantastic job with the shower, Lori!!
This is Summer, she was our model, and boy did she rock it.  (I used to baby sit her...started when she was only a year old....ugh, where does the time go?)

     Saturday was the big day and I am sooooooooooooo happy to say that I finished my first 10K race in 1 hr 14 min.  I was hoping to in under 1hr 30min, so I think i did really good.  And I tell you what I woke up this morning feeling like I had been run over by a Mac truck with an extra heavy load.  My legs were sore and even my shoulders were.  I seriously need to start a regular weight training routine, not just some here and there.
   Saturday was very busy.  I got up at 5:30 and got the race by about 6:30.  It started at 7 am.  I met up with my friend Catherine and her husband. They were running the 5K.  They started before me and the 10Kers actually ended up starting about 15 min late.  But it was all good. I loved the course this year.  One year I did it, it was just and out and back. This time is was in some neighborhoods, along a path in the woods, over and overpass, very entertaining.  I didn't take my phone with me so I didn't get any pictures :(  When I go to the finish line and saw Mr. Paul and Catherine waiting for me and then was happily surprised to see my in-laws and baby girl.  We waited around there for awhile and then they were off to her Tee ball game and I was going to a training meeting for AdvoCare.  It was wonderful! So glad I went! That was a couple off hours . After that I came home and got Bry ready because we were going to Grenada for a fish fry in honor of my sisters upcoming nuptials. My dad drove the way up there (about 1hr 45 min) and I had about 5 heart attacks and 12 panic attacks. Needless to say I swiped the keys and took the wheel on the way home.  You know that movie "The Pacifier" with Vin Diesel in it, and they are driving crazy in the van and they stop and that girl kinda falls out to the ground just so thankful she was able to get out alive...yeah, that was me! 
    The get together was at one of my uncle's house. It's always good to see everyone and catch up.  Brylee loved the horses they had an playing with her cousins.  Good times

When I got home I went to throw something in the trash and was horrified when I saw that my brand new bottle of laundry detergent has fallen off my dryer again and busted leaking the slimy soap all over my floor...and this was the second time it happened. You think I would have learned my lessen with the mess the first time, but nope, I am too stubborn I guess.
My day was pretty much over after that. It was a good, good day! ..despite the mess
       Today we went to church and grilled out and hung around the pool, which had coooold water in it. But if you asked Brylee it was "great!" After our afternoon we went to get fro yo, and Brylee was sitting there eating hers and says, "mommy, I got a brain sneeze."  LOL! too stinking cute for words!
Does she look like Forest Gump here, when he's yelling Lieutenant Dan, or is just me?

Hot dogs..bc she wants to gross mommy out..haha!

Doesn't get better than this.

Yummy Yummy Melon!

I just love this picture, she's got her slippers, her tinkerbell PJ top that is snug in all the right places, one pants leg up and one down and a bed head, holding her airplane.

Goodnight to you all!

Monday, May 20, 2013

No sweating

  Where did the weekend go!? I think I missed it. I can't believe it's already Monday, but so excited that my mixer is tomorrow night. I hope I have a good turnout....kinda nervous about it. 
   I only worked half day today, and I am leaving work a little early tomorrow so I can come home and clean my house some more for my company.  I left today to get a sebaceous cyst removed from my boob.   It wasn't so bad, heck, it was even a bit relaxing. I got to lie still, covered with a warm blanket and gown, and it was quite and just kinda nice.  You know your life is a bit crazy when a surgical procedure is relaxing....lol!  I didn't even feel the injection of the numbing medicine. I have a few stitches and I think the doc said it was 8 cm long. I have to go back in a week to have the stitches removed. 
     After that I went home and got Brylee ready for Tee ball. She had a practice tonight and fell asleep on the way there and then was in a bit of a foul mood and stood with her arms crossed and a frown on her face for the first 25 min or so of the practice.  Then she had to pee, so we walked a mile to and from the bathroom.  I guess she just needed to move around and wake up because after that she was ready to practice and she hit the ball great!

I can't tell if she is wearing the glove or just holding it but either way it's cute!
After Tee ball we came home and watched some of Dancing with the Stars. I didn't go to the gym or run because I am not supposed to get my bandage sweaty until tomorrow when I can change it. ( although the walk from her practice field to the bathroom and back had me drenched)  I will take a rest day....I plan to get up in the morning and go to the gym and do a run Wednesday.   Hope you all had a fantabulous Monday and wish me luck for tomorrow! I will leave you with a pic of Bry and I which is just so typical

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tee ball season is here!

   The more I get up early and do my work out the easier it gets...that's right I said it. It gets easier.  (that and drinking some SPARK or SLAM) ..haha ..seriously it does.  Any who, It was Christmas at my house again yesterday for me, and I got in my AdvoCare Shirt, my labels, my Herbal Cleanse and Omega Plex, and my business cards.  And don't tell my husband this (I'll see if her reads this) but I can not use a single business card. My genius self ordered them with distributor spelled wrong.  Gah!! So I will let Brylee play with them or something.
  So today is the DAY!! My husband and I started the cleanse together. The couple that cleanses together .... will have rockin' bodies soon ;) He actually enjoyed the fiber drink. Me, I gagged with every gulp.  But it will be worth it. I am really going to stick to it this time to maximize my results.  I am so excited though, for his results!  A girl at my work bought a cleanse, but won't tell me how much she has lost till she finishes the cleanse.  The suspense is killin me!
   Tonight at 6:00, is Brylee's first T Ball game and I am soo excited to see her out there.  We missed the first 2 practices..oops, but Bry is just awesome at anything she does  so we are gonna go wing it.  It's just 3 year olds so how serious can they be? 
  ( Fast forward a few hours)  Bry's Tee ball game was too cute!! She did really good, and hit the ball pretty far a couple of times. 
Later we went to eat supper and this was how Bry finished her meal, and she was out pretty soon after that on the way home.
I have been feeling pretty low about the AdvoCare thing.  I am a shy person, an introvert, and hate large crowds, so it's pretty crazy to me that I want to try and sell this stuff.  But I feel like I am being selfish if I keep it to my self.  Even if this fails, I have to remember that I am not a failure, I have come so far from when I first started trying to lose weight, even though I didn't lose all of it with AdvoCare, I am the healthiest I have ever been in my life because of AdvoCare, and that's what's most important.  When I am feeling depressed I look at how far I have actually come....I am a totally different person.  I just asked Brylee who that was holding her in the before picture and she didn't know.  I don't want her to remember me like that anyway.

 I know it will be hard for me to break out of my comfort zone but I am going to give it all I got. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Hump day!

   Happy Hump day!  I was somewhat dreading this week because we are short staffed at work but knock on wood, it hasn't been too bad. I had to go in the field today and see patients, but sometimes it's nice to get out of the office and take a ride in the country.  I have been feeling Ah-Maze-ing lately, thanks to AdvoCare.  My whole outlook is different.
   Let me back up till this weekend, and give you a quick recap.  Sunday morning I got up and ran 6 MILES...yahoo!! only 2 more weekends until my 10 K. I think I can, I think I can.  After my run I came home, and got ready. Then we went to church and came home and all had lunch together. My mom and dad, and his mom and dad came over.  This was my mother's day gift...
 It's beautiful!
We hung out at Maw's house for a while and watched as the men folk did some yard work.  Haha...that makes me chuckle out loud to say men folk.  Anyways, Brylee wanted to hunt for worms. So, the hubs found her one and this was her reaction....lol
She acted like she didn't like it but would pick them up and put them with their "mommy" and "daddy"
Monday, it was back to the grind.  I went to the gym Monday night, and skipped Tuesday night.  It's amazing how time just slips away from you.  Before I knew it last night it was like 10:30, so I went to sleep. I set my alarm for 4:50 this morning, and got up at 5:00 am and then hit the gym for an early work out. I knew today was going to be long so I wanted to be sure to get that in.  I even went by Kroger this morning to get a few things.
     I am getting the word out about how wonderful AdvoCare is and SPARKed Mel, my manager.  Don't you want to feel that good?? lol ;)
Be More Awesome...with AdvoCare!!
Today when I got home from work I warmed up some leftovers and Brylee went for a bike ride and I went for a little walk.  We were wishing we were heading to the swimming pool.  Won't be long now. 
<---Yum!! even better left over I think.

what?? you don't ride your trike in your leopard swimsuit?
Hope you all have a great night!



Friday, May 10, 2013

Big things

     Big things are happening people. 
     First off, I have a follower!! yay! So, a big thanks to you, I am trying to get my blog a little more popular in the blogging world and just don't know how to do it. 
     Also, I love to the blog Mama Laughlin . She is very inspirational and keeps me going when I don't think I can continue. I see her progress and thing dang, I just gatta keep going.  She and Skinny Meg are BFFs and it is their blogs were I first learned about AdvoCare. So thank you guys, this is changing my life.  I read mama's blog today and posted a comment, and this is silly, but she responded to my comment...I feel like I just had lunch with a celebrity...lol.  She seems like a hoot and looks great in anything she wears...as does Skinny Meg. 
     Some other big news in my little world... I got me a new iphone.  I dropped mine yesterday and it cracked the back, then I got a piece of the teeny tiny glass stuck in my finger.  Dern it!  So today on my lunch hour I went to the CSpire store and got me a new phone.....and a new case. (thank the Lord I got that apple insurance) So that means I got a camera that works.....wahoooo!  I also sold Roger's Herbal cleanse to a co-worker. She is my third customer...thank you Angie!  My mother in law is doing it now and is down 8.6 lbs and is on day 8.  I am so proud of her. 
      Roger came home from being out of town with work this afternoon, so we went to OEC and got some fried rice. Needless to say I took a carb ease and hoped for the best.  I also started my Catalyst for the first time tonight before the gym and I am excited to see the results from that.  here is a selfie of my and Bry as we waited for our food.

She looks just like the hubby!!
Brylee has also started to like taking showers, and while she was taking a shower (and as she also told me she was doing exercises in the shower..lol) I noticed this on her bed.  Baaahaa....she always lines the weirdest things on the end and this was no exception.
They are strawberry gummies.
Hope everyone has a great night!  Is there any one out there (or maybe 10-15) people or so that would like to start the AdvoCare 24 day challenge with me...my three months are almost up (since I did the cleanse last) and I tend to do better when I have some accountability, maybe we can make it into a competition or something with the winner getting some products. The challenge is around 190 bucks and worth every penny...so if any body out there interested...holler!;) or email, or comment on here

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Short N sweet

I am feeling a bit discouraged...I know I have only been an AdvoCare distributer for a week and a half but I have only sold to 2 people.  My mother in law, and my manager.  <sigh>  I don't know how to get others to see how awesome these products are!!  If only they could feel the way I feel and see the results I see they would be sold.  Every one thinks I am crazy I think. And I get on this conference call and it was all about how all these new people have reached new levels in AdvoCare. I will get there, I will just have to work, work, work at it! Anyway, if you have any questions please PLEASE ask me.  You are WORTH it. 
   I have been doing great with my workouts, even getting up at 5 am and working out..wohoo! Tonight I met up with my friend Catherine, for a fundraiser for Boston. It was a 3 mile run. It was a lot of fun, but tough. Due to the heat and the hills, lordy mercy!  I ran out of water in my bottle and was panting worse than the dog that was ahead of me. LoL.  I am sorry this blog is so short. I still haven't gotten my phone camera fixed yet and it's driving me bonkers. have a great night y'all.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Two a days and my first customer!

You will never believe what I did today, I got up at 4: 45 am and went to the gym....that is correct...I WENT TO THE GYM! IN THE MORNING!  It was quite nice, not a lot of people there.  I did 32 minutes on elliptical, and 25 or 30 minutes on the treadmill walking at a fast pace on incline.  I felt so great after I did it, and I didn't feel like I needed a nap afterward.  Which was good, because I had a busy day!

Brylee's first program was today for the end of the year, Kids Day Out class.  It was soo cute! She looked so little up there on stage.  I got choked up watching her walk onto the stage. My baby is just getting too big.  Her class sang 4 songs and she prolly got out a few words and did a few motions.  She did great.   After her sang, she sat with the family and then I took her home and my mother in law kept her and I had to go back to work...womp, womp! 

And it didn't get better at that point, but at least I only had to work a half a day.  Then I came home and Brylee was waiting on me.  I ate some left over wild rice salad for supper, and made Roger some pasta salad with chicken, did some lunges, and squats.

I got some of my AdvoCare products in today, but I a still waiting on my starter kit and my business cards.  I am going to meet with my cousin Candice in Grenada this Sunday just to learn more about the products and stuff.  I am pumped.  I also had my first customer...my mother in law! Love her....thanks Ms. Ellena for literally supporting me in everything I do.  Then we went to the gym and I did 12 minutes in elliptical and some leg machines....all in all a great day!
Hope you all had a great day too!