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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Color Me Rad!

       Today was the day and the weather couldn't not have been more perfect.  Nice overcast and the temp was just right so that it was cool enough so that you didn't get overheated.  There were sooooo many people, but that just made it that much more fun.  I met my with a coworker at our office and then another one of her friends met us there also.   And then we were on our way.  I thought the traffic would have taken us longer but it only took like 15-20 minutes. We were even able to get a close spot.  Because there were so many people they let us go in waves.  Mine was supposed to start at 10:00 but I started around 9:40.  They color they used was colored corn starch that were in little plastic bags. A lot of people bough extra before the run even started and were already RAD with color.  Anyway, it was a good run for me.  I didn't run the exact 3.1 miles...I'm not sure of the course wasn't that long of if I didn't start Garmin on time. I started it when I was able to spread out and run. But it doesn't matter it was fun.  I didn't get too dirty rad.  Just enough, and even after a shower I still have some under my arm. 

Great Fun! I would definitely do this again.  I think I may sign of for a 10K in may...I know I am feeling a little frisky!  We will see.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Camp firing

     Last night was so much fun.  The hubby had the day off so he in turn gave my mom the day off and the had a daddy-daughter day all day long.  Don't know who enjoyed it more.  They went to the park, had ice cream, and played, played all day long.  Then last night we decided to have a little fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows.  The weather was just right.  Not too cold, but chilly enough that you could really enjoy the fire.  Bry kept saying she loved camp firing. So cute.  I had done well with staying in rage with my pointsplus so I had a fourth of a Hershey bar, 2 marshmallows and 2 graham crackers (plus I earned 8 PP with my 3.45 mile run...say whaaat?!?) I opted out on the hot dogs though, even when I did eat a lot of meat I could never get over the ingredients in those things.  I cringe when Bry eats them some times.   Instead of the hot dogs I made me a quite tasty meal. It was a large mushroom cap filled with marinara, chopped red and green bell peppers, spinach, some broccoli slaw that I sauteed in vegetable broth and low fat feta cheese. I baked it then put a vegan chicken patty on time and sprinkles with Parmesan cheese and it was delish!! Yum!! And trust me, it did taste better than it looked.
                            First I cleaned out the mushroom caps...
<---Chopped up my veggies and mixed that with the other    
                                                            ingredient and then put that in the mushroom and baked until

Then we stayed outside a while and enjoyed the fire.  Here's a pic of me and my baby girl. Its hard to get her to look at the camera long enough to get a good picture.  It's the best we could get.

So far this morning I have done some laundry, sweeping, and cleaning.  Got Bry a bath and I got ready but then she didn't want to get dressed and it wasn't worth the fight so we just stayed at home and chilled.   I also saved 30 bucks or so and decided to eat lunch at home.  Guess I'll go to Corner Bakery another day.

A sandwich with vegan chicken  patty, egg white, avocado, spinach and marinara, and some Edamame

Have a great Saturday everyone!!!...maybe we will go campfiring tonight again.



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Let the cleanse begin

So guess what came in the mail?? My Advocare Herbal Cleanse.  I'm either going to start in Saturday or Monday.   Monday because I want to eat craw fish this weekend. Hint, Hint* (to the hubs) but thinking I should do it on Saturday that way if my system doesn't react well I will be at home. ..you get my drift?  I will let you know when I start and how I feel. If anyone would like to order some, please go here .  My cousin sells it and will take care of any of your questions and orders. 


This is what the kit looks like.  It comes with detailed instructions on what to take each day, I won't bore you with it but if you would like to know I will gladly tell you. 

 I did great with my PP yesterday, even with supper at Cracker Barrel.  I think my favorite part about that restaurant is the store.  They have some cute things and Bry likes it too. She got herself a trumpet, and boy can she play.  She had me dancing to her music once we got home.  Even Emmie got to try the trumpet.

Even though it was late and I was tired I managed to do some bicep moves and then go to the gym and do 30 min of cardio.  So don't think that will happen tonight. I am exhausted. 

Here are a couple of funny pics for you. One is of some goofy faces of my 3 year old and my 30 year old..and yes I am referring to my husband.   The other is when Bry was helping me put up the laundry.  Not bad...haha!


Monday, March 4, 2013

The best sandwhich

   Helllllooooo Mr. Monday, Can't say I am glad to see you. Like almost any day I set my alarm for extra early with the hope I would actually get my butt out of bed and do my workout first thing....and like always I talked myself out of it. I had thought about going to the gym this morning but I have been doing extra lately on the elliptical and my legs were still sore form Sat and Sun.  I really wanted to do a run on the trace again after work also so I stayed in bed an extra hour. I always wake up, talk myself out of going to the gym, and then lay there in bed and think how I let myself down again and how if I could just get up and get moving I would be fine. Then the hour is gone and I don't go back to sleep and my alarm goes off again...and it's time for me to start getting ready for work.  It's a loose loose situation
    Work was work.  Not much to say really.  Just not enough time in the day to get everything done. I changed into my running clothes at work and was on the trail in the next 20 min.  I wanted to do 3.25 today, but my legs just felt sooooo heavy.  I felt like I could hardly move them and the  hills slight elevations felt like I was trying to run up a dern mountain.  I stopped my garmin 3 different times to catch my breath a little, maybe for 1 minute total and did 3.15 in like 36:45 or something like that. I am trying to figure out how to get my garmin results to my blog.  I logged this activity into my weight watcher app and I earned 7pp. 

    I also did good with my PP today. Breakfast I made a smoothie with chia seeds, spinach, almond milk , frozen banana, and ice. It was not bad. At work I had edamame for snack and an orange. Lunch I came hope and made a sandwhich with the every thing bagel thin, laughing cow cheese wedge, avocado, spinach, red and green bell pepper, Dijon. I was super yummy! So good that I came home after my run and made me one for supper....except I added a fried egg white and a vegan chicken patty. It was delish! I also had another orange to go with it tonight. It was devoured in like 5min. It was one of those sandwiches where when you pick it up to eat you are scared to set it back down for fear it will fall completely apart. Here is my sandwich...the picture of course doesn't do it justice. Except the egg...it does look kinda weird. hope you all had a great day!