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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 miles

Well, it has been a month since I last posted. I kinda just haven't been in the mood to blog.  But since I haven't blogged I feel as though I haven't been doing as well with my clean eating. At least with the blogging I have a place to journal and I guess it in some way keeps me accountable. (Not that anyone really reads it) I know it is here and I can look back and see my progress and lack there of.  I have been trying to stick with my running. I haven't run since Saturday morning. I have been stressed out with work with it being so close to the holidays and all so I haven't had much energy. Saturday was my mom's side of the family's Christmas gathering in Grenada, MS.  I was fun. I got up at 6:00 in the morning and threw together a green bean casserole to take. Got ready and went out for my long run. It was around 6:25 or so  by the time I got out the door and still dark out so I ran up and down my street a few times until the sun came out a little more. I am still kinda nervous about running on the road. But after it got light a little more I was off.  I ended up running 5 miles in 1 hour flat. It is the longest I have run yet with out stopping and it felt super awesome!!  I plan on doing another 5 miles this Saturday...or maybe 5 1/2.  I am so excited for Christmas morning though!  I can't wait to see Bry's face when she sees that Santa came.  My sweet stinker!!  My brother is also coming Thursday. I can't wait to see him! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!!!  Ahhh! I will try to blog more often even if it's only for me.