Yesterday I finally got my "first workout" at the gym I go to. It's just where you can go and meet with a trainer and they help you develop a workout plan with weight training exercises and they get your measurements.....then you go back in a month, get measured again, and a new plan. I also did 35 minutes on the elliptical and ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill. Not to shabby.
My job hunting is sucking. Why did I pick this profession?? Do you ever feel like you made the absolute wrong career choice?? I mean who the heck knows what they want to be a senior in high school or first year of college?? You are still figuring out who you are. When I mentioned the idea of going to nursing school everyone was like, "well, you will always have a job." I didn't know what else to I did. I should have shadowed a nurse before I decided to go. I'm sure I would have had my ah-ha moment then. Now it's pretty much too late to change my career. it's not that I don't like helping people, I do. I just can't handle the fact that their life is in my hands. Some people thrive on that, and that's awesome! those are the ones doing what they were made to. Me not so much. I just got to hang in there and see where the Lord is wanting me to go. I just don't feel like I am doing what I am meant to me doing. Geez....didn't mean to get off on that tangent.
well, I am off to go pack a little more and get Brylee to her Grammy and Pappy's house :) Here are some pics from the past few days.
Cute, huh!?

My three going on thirteen year old...gonna have my hands full, but wouldn't have it any other way.
I will see yall soon! If I don't post this weekend, hope yall have a good one.
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