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Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 5 and veggies

Guess what, guess what?? I had a phone interview for a new job today for a position that I think would be great for me.  Don't want to give too much away yet as I'm sure it would jinx it with my luck, but hopefully I will hear something early part of next week. 

Today is day 5 of my cleanse and OMG I feel amazing!  I was actually craving some vegetables for dinner tonight so I chopped up some bell pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms, green chilies, and spinach and scrambled 4 egg whites to go along with it. I also added some avocado, jalapeños, and fresh salsa! it was delish! So good that I forgot to take a pic of it, then I had a banana with some natural BP for dessert. Hit. the. spot.  I have done so great with my clean eating that I have even surprised myself.  Usually I will take a nibble here and there, but not this time!  I have already lost some serious poundage and it's only day 5 of the cleanse phase. WOW!  I'm sure my mom still can not believe how much I love vegetables now. When I was younger I HATED them! She made me eat them though, and I'm glad she did. She wanted to get something healthy in me. I can remember sitting at the table long after everyone had finished their supper and I would have to sit there until I finished my vegetables. I guess I always eventually did...(totally went off on a tangent there)

Poor Bry has been running a low grade temp since Wed. after preschool. Sweet thang!  I hope it's just a little fever virus that will just run it's course. So far, that is her only symptom. Her appetite is still that of a man.  She has spells where she eats less than a bird and then other times it's like I can't fill her up.  She will snack all day. But she's a good eater and loves fruits and veggies so I don't freak when she eats Cheetos. 

I went to the gym tonight and had a great work out. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical followed by my strength training plan that I had made for me a few weeks ago.

 I like it an all, but I think I am going to make my own. I want to have a leg day, shoulder and arm day...that sorta thing.  I got half way through Jamie Eason's Live Fit program, probably a year ago and I may do that again or refer to another workout plan at body builder.com   I love working out my arms.  I took a pic today of me flexing (that's so weird for me to say... that I flexed....I never thought I could ever actually flex) but I compared it with a pic I took of my arm a few months ago. Not sure if I can see improvement or not or if I am looking too hard or if my arms just look better because I got to go the beach and got them tanned.  What do you think?
It seems a little more defined to me. I love instagram, I put this cute border around it :)
Ok you peeps have a wonderful Friday night! Watch the games this weekend, watch the races, look out for new commercials featuring Drew Brees and here comes ADVONATION!!

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