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Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 5 and veggies

Guess what, guess what?? I had a phone interview for a new job today for a position that I think would be great for me.  Don't want to give too much away yet as I'm sure it would jinx it with my luck, but hopefully I will hear something early part of next week. 

Today is day 5 of my cleanse and OMG I feel amazing!  I was actually craving some vegetables for dinner tonight so I chopped up some bell pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms, green chilies, and spinach and scrambled 4 egg whites to go along with it. I also added some avocado, jalapeƱos, and fresh salsa! it was delish! So good that I forgot to take a pic of it, then I had a banana with some natural BP for dessert. Hit. the. spot.  I have done so great with my clean eating that I have even surprised myself.  Usually I will take a nibble here and there, but not this time!  I have already lost some serious poundage and it's only day 5 of the cleanse phase. WOW!  I'm sure my mom still can not believe how much I love vegetables now. When I was younger I HATED them! She made me eat them though, and I'm glad she did. She wanted to get something healthy in me. I can remember sitting at the table long after everyone had finished their supper and I would have to sit there until I finished my vegetables. I guess I always eventually did...(totally went off on a tangent there)

Poor Bry has been running a low grade temp since Wed. after preschool. Sweet thang!  I hope it's just a little fever virus that will just run it's course. So far, that is her only symptom. Her appetite is still that of a man.  She has spells where she eats less than a bird and then other times it's like I can't fill her up.  She will snack all day. But she's a good eater and loves fruits and veggies so I don't freak when she eats Cheetos. 

I went to the gym tonight and had a great work out. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical followed by my strength training plan that I had made for me a few weeks ago.

 I like it an all, but I think I am going to make my own. I want to have a leg day, shoulder and arm day...that sorta thing.  I got half way through Jamie Eason's Live Fit program, probably a year ago and I may do that again or refer to another workout plan at body builder.com   I love working out my arms.  I took a pic today of me flexing (that's so weird for me to say... that I flexed....I never thought I could ever actually flex) but I compared it with a pic I took of my arm a few months ago. Not sure if I can see improvement or not or if I am looking too hard or if my arms just look better because I got to go the beach and got them tanned.  What do you think?
It seems a little more defined to me. I love instagram, I put this cute border around it :)
Ok you peeps have a wonderful Friday night! Watch the games this weekend, watch the races, look out for new commercials featuring Drew Brees and here comes ADVONATION!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

An unexpected hiatus

I can not believe it has been so long since I last posted! I never intended to go so long with out posting a thing but ah-well, life happens.

I guess I will just give a quick update of all that has been going on the past few weeks and then try to maintain regular postings.

Success school was AWESOME!!  It was so great that we signed up to go to the one in Atlanta this upcoming January and hopefully will be taking some friends along with us.  Here are some nuggets that I took away from it
 1) Let your action prove you're committed to your vision
 2) Live your dreams and share your passion
 3) Do I want to build someone else's empire or do I want to build my own. 
 4) Find a way not an excuse....(which I am the best at...finding an excuse that is)
I do NOT know why this is so ridiculously hard for me to do!!  I just freeze up! :(
So that's where my AdvoCare stands right now, just need to work on me.

I still haven't found a job but I think I have some great leads on a few positions that I would really enjoy and be blessed to have. I just gotta keep the faith that God's plan is best whatever it is and it will work out in his timing. 

We went to the beach last week and it was Ah.MazE-ING! So much funnnn! I got dark and tan, sat on the beach, went around the lazy river a hundred or so times, collected sea shells, built sand castles all that good stuff. We stayed at the Phoenix West, in Orange Beach, AL and it was so nice! Beach access and huge rooms.  It was a dream.  Brylee loved it so much more this year. As soon as we would step foot on the sand she would bend down and start digging! It was soo cute. 
....The Beach!! It was beautiful!

Our Condo living area

 Bry looking for crabs at night.

 Our crazy hats!!

The kitchen

 Brylee eating noodles

Sweet girl!

After our sweet vacay I was good and ready for another cleanse. So Monday was my start date! this is my third round of doing the cleanse (I do it every 3 months) and I am sticking to it to a T this time, I am already down 4 lbs! Wahooo....and it's only day 3! So excited! If you have any questions about the AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse please let me know.

Also, another big even happened Monday. It was Brylee's first day of preschool.  Waaaaa! I cried just a little.  She just too little, it's not time for her to be going to preschool. She was just born yesterday...I mean I can not believe how fast time just zooms by. I have really, really enjoyed the time I have got to spend with her over the last month. It has been just wonderful. It was a dream come true!
Isn't she a doll?

 Walking into preschool!
I hope everyone has a good rest of the week, and hopefully I will be able to post that I got a job!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Success school here I come!

Good Morning people!! :) I am getting excited! We leave for the 2013 AdvoCare success school tomorrow morning! YAY!!! I am so ready to take my business to the next level, and I am hoping this will give me the confidence to do that.    We are going with some friends of ours who are also distributors and live down the road.  ROAD TRIP!
Yesterday I finally got my "first workout" at the gym I go to. It's just where you can go and meet with a trainer and they help you develop a workout plan with weight training exercises and they get your measurements.....then you go back in a month, get measured again, and a new plan.   I also did 35 minutes on the elliptical and ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill. Not to shabby. 
      My job hunting is sucking.  Why did I pick this profession??  Do you ever feel like you made the absolute wrong career choice?? I mean who the heck knows what they want to be a senior in high school or first year of college?? You are still figuring out who you are.  When I mentioned the idea of going to nursing school everyone was like, "well, you will always have a job." I didn't know what else to do...so I did.  I should have shadowed a nurse before I decided to go.  I'm sure I would have had my ah-ha moment then.  Now it's pretty much too late to change my career.  it's not that I don't like helping people, I do.  I just can't handle the fact that their life is in my hands.  Some people thrive on that, and that's awesome! those are the ones doing what they were made to. Me not so much. I just got to hang in there and see where the Lord is wanting me to go. I just don't feel like I am doing what I am meant to me doing.  Geez....didn't mean to get off on that tangent.
well, I am off to go pack a little more and get Brylee to her Grammy and Pappy's house :) Here are some pics from the past few days.
<--this is what the hubs gets to do at work!
                                Cute, huh!?

 Brylee making her "jelly bread" all by herself!

--> My clean lunch..and cleaning out the fridge

<- she was so proud to have fixed her hair all by herself also

<---we were both busy playing on our phones.

My three going on thirteen year old...gonna have my hands full, but wouldn't have it any other way.
I will see yall soon!  If I don't post this weekend, hope yall have a good one.


Monday, August 5, 2013

A good day

   My day started bright and early at 4:30  4:50 this morning.  (I had to hit the snooze 2 times) I actually set my alarm extra early so that I can hit the snooze.  I got up and got ready. It's time for me to quit sulking and get back to my normal routine as much as possible. I made it to the gym by 5:15 just in time to grab a bike for spin class.  Today's spin class was extra intense.  Not only was Rochelle instructing today (she pushes you to your limit) but the air was not working properly.  We even opened the extra doors to let the 78 degree "cooler" air in.  HA!  We were all soaking by the end but it felt great. Glad I had my third lung to help me breath in there..haha! 
    After spin, I came home did some laundry, dishes, and other housework and showered until Bry woke up. It was only 7:00 am by then.  I applied to a few more jobs too. I was hoping to hear back from the gym that I go to today..( I applied there...just for fun) but no luck :( I would LOVE to work there.  I decided to go grocery shopping too. I pretty much had no choice....we were about to the point of scraping up old macaroni necklaces and fruit loops under the couch for food.  I have been trying to save money and I have been cooking lots of deer meat for the hubs. I don't eat much meat now days, so as long as he is good with it and we have it, I will try and use it.  That's what I threw in the crock pot for supper tonight...deer roast, corn, and mushrooms with rice and baked veggies to go with it.  Looks soooo yummy! 
   Guess what else I managed to do today?!?  Mowed our yard!
<---it takes some getting used to, to steer with those things

 It's looks so pretty now. I know I missed a few sections though. I tell ya what, it's a lot harder than you think to make sure you get every little piece. I was having to look really closely, like did I cut that yet?? Or do I need to move over??  I'm sure my neighbors got a kick out of it.  it's very bumpy and I was bouncing all over the place.  Hope I didn't tear up the scag.  After that Brylee and I went swimming and cooled down. 
   and this is what I had for supper...delish!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A new change

    Wow, has my life changed!!! Last Tuesday afternoon I got a call from my DON saying they had a position open up at a sister branch about 25 or so miles away and to ask if I was interested. She said she had to know my answer in the next couple of hours so I said yes.  I was also told that I would get "one on one" training for the new computer based charting we were transitioning to. Keep in mind I have had absolutely no training with this stuff because I at the time didn't need it, due to my original position being terminated. (here)  Everyone else has had like 3 weeks of it.  Boy did I make the wrong choice (maybe in the long run it was the right choice)  I went to my home branch Wednesday morning for our weekly meeting then was at the new office by 11:00 or so.  I knew the moment I walked in the door I had made the wrong decision.  I should have gone over there the day before...before I gave my answer, and met with the people.  It was all I could do to make it through the day. And the drive to and from the office SUCKED!!! It took me about an hour to get there and then to get back.  Horrible. I went back Thursday and worked all day. I barely made it to my car before I completely lost it.  I did have to go to the bathroom and have a few meltdowns during the day but it all came out when I was walking to my car.... and the entire hour drive home the tears continued to poor.  I have never felt like that before. I was so overwhelmed, this was day 2 and I had maybe 20 minutes total of training, a whole new team of patients to learn on top of that, and just such a higher number of patients....more than I was used to having. Plus as soon as I got there my new branch manager was giving me old stuff to clear up (from the person I was replacing) reports to be done which involved the new system. Every time I mentioned that I had no clue how to work the reports or other issues it was "everyone is having a hard time" "everyone is in training". I was so sick of hearing that! No, I HAVE HAD NO TRAINING!!!  Geez!!  I went back Friday and it felt like my throat was closing in, I felt like I couldn't breath. I think I was having an anxiety attack.  I cried the whole way home again knowing this wasn't going to work.  I told my DON I had made the wrong decision.  She said I had 3 options. 1) resign and not work out my notice and not be eligible for rehire, 2) work my 2 weeks notice, and then stay PRN, and be eligible for rehire, or 3) give it more time.  My severance was out of the question. Which I knew it was.  If it meant that company could not pay out money then by golly it's not gonna.  I just wanted to go back to my home branch and work out my 2 weeks, but that wasn't an option. I had the worst weekend ever because of this. I cried all weekend. I broke down in church, at the grocery store, everywhere.  I didn't run my 5K I signed up for and I didn't go to my AdvoCare family fun day.  I was so upset.  I talked it over with Roger and I decided to just resign.  Life is just too short to be miserable.  Something in me just snapped and I had reached my breaking point. I was stressed and grumpy all the time.  Just with the new office,  it all came to a head.  So Monday, I resigned from my position. I am looking for part time work a few days a week so that I can be my most important role of  a mother and wife. 
     Now it is Thursday, this week has been one of the best and scariest of my life. It's been the best because I am able to be there for my baby girl and for my husband unlike I have been before. I get to be there when she wakes up in the morning and cook her breakfast.  We have gone to the park, the splash pad, got snow cones, and all that fun stuff.  Looking for free fun.  We haven't been out to eat since all this happened. I think all I have spent this week so far is 35 buck on some gas.  I am able to have supper cooked for Rog and not gripe to him as soon as he walks in the door. Which I know he appreciates.  Life is just so much more than making money. I know you have to make a living but we spend so much on just crap. There is no telling how much we waste.  We will have to adjust our lifestyles a bit but I know we will be fine.  For me now, I feel it is more important for me to be with Brylee a little more.  If it doesn't work out with me working part time then I will go back and find something full time.   I am going to cherish this time I have with her. I am going to get to know her unlike I have before, I am going to cherish every mess, and every tantrum.  I know she will be 18 in the blink of an eye. I want time to slow down. I'm tired of living for 4:30 and for the weekends.  I'm just rushing my one life away.  I know God has a reason for everything and for some reason I acted completely unlike myself last week so much that I freaking resigned from my job!! But I will be ok. God will not give me more than I can handle.
I will leave you with some pictures of the best days I have had lately....

Brylee at the splash pad. the first day we were unprepared and didn't have a swim suit.

 She is mommy's helper, helping me clean closet

 Doing her little dance!  lol