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Thursday, July 5, 2012

New Goals

I have been reading this blog lately and it has inspired me to make small goals as I work toward reaching my big goal.  I struggle with an all or nothing outlook on my work outs and eating.  If I miss one day of my gym for the week then I feel like that week has been screwed up and I need to start completely over. Totally crazy...I know.  I guess it's some of my OCD tendencies coming out.  Same with my diet. If I eat one thing that is not on track then I feel as though the day is a complete waste and I might as well just start over again the next day. Maybe with the small goals it will help me stick with it. I will try to meet these goals my the end of the month.
1) Run/walk 30 miles.  I know this doesn't seem like a lot for the whole month, but I have to start small.
2) I will eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full.  I think this will be the most difficult for me.
3) I will log my food
4) I will strength train 3 days a week
5) loose 5 lbs
 I think that is enough to get me started. I will try to post daily or at least every other day.

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