Did you miss me?? It has been quite a while since I last posted anything. A lot has been going on and my time was well spent in other ways. I had a bit of a relapse, I guess you could call it, with my unhealthy lifestyle. Between Christmas and now I have re-gained about 10-12 lbs. That makes me sad...really, really sad but I have lost it before and I
can will loose it again.
So here is a quick recap of what has been going on in my life since I last posted. At the beginning of February I got a call that my grandfather had fallen at home and broken his hip. He was then transferred the VA medical center in Jackson. When I heard that he had broken his hip my heart sank. I knew that meant surgery and then rehab. My Pappaw is a home body, he hardly goes anywhere for lengthy periods of time. Even at his own birthday parties,( that would be down the road from his house at my uncle's house) he would eat a couple bites, open his presents, and there you would see him go...in his little blue truck back to his house even with everyone still celebrating.
I rushed to the hospital that first day only to sit in the waiting area for 3-4 hours until I finally demanded that I needed to see him. I hated the thought of him lying back there in the ER by himself. I wanted him to know that were were there. When I first saw him lying in the bed I almost lost it. It just broke my heart. I grabbed his hand and he gripped mine back so tightly my fingers started to turn blue. Not long after that he was transferred to a
closet room. I just couldn't bear to let him stay by himself so I stayed with him for the first 3-4 nights and then a few more night after that until he was moved to a different room with a room mate and then I couldn't stay. He waited 3 freakin' weeks before he had is surgery. Their "reason" was that they needed to make sure his heart was stable due to his age and the doctors said he also suffered a mild heart attack. I just think they are really slow and were in no rush at all to get him to surgery. Most surgeries after a fall are the next day or at the max a few days. Lying in the bed all those weeks before surgery did nothing to help his rehab potential...it completely ruined it! Praise the Lord, he made it through is surgery and was transferred to the Community Living Center at the VA. All my aunts and uncles and mom went to visit him so that he had someone there every day for breakfast and supper. I enjoyed every visit with him!!! I got to spend more time with him during those few months that I probably have my whole life. I love him to pieces. He did physical therapy one to two times daily and also occupational therapy. I went to see him once during lunch so that I could be there during physical therapy. I got to see him walk. It made me cry. I was sooooo proud of him. That was the only time that I saw him not lying in the bed while he was at the VA. The last Thursday he was at the Community Living Center, my uncle and I just happened to come on the same night. I had walked in a few minutes before he did and I could tell my pappaw was acting differently. I also noticed that he wasn't wearing his oxygen so I though his O2 sats had dropped a little and that was why he was acting 'wierd'. He would not let me put his oxygen back on. All he said was yeah, to every question. My uncle went and got the nurse and they checked his b/p and other vitals. His b/p was sky high. I think he suffered a stroke b/c it was as though he couldn't get what he wanted to say out and he would just get more agitated. They took him to the ER and then he was transferred back to a room in the hospital part. That was Thursday night. I went to see him after work Friday and stayed to visiting hours were over. If I could do it over I would have stayed...I wouldn't have left his side. I got a call around 2:30am from my mom saying I needed to get to the hospital. Rog and I rushed up there and I held his hand, rubbed is sweet head and told him we were all there how much we all loved him. I knew by the way he was breathing and his unresponsiveness he would be going to his eternal home soon. I stayed by his side and held his hand until it happened. I wanted him to feel someone there at all times. He died at 9:11 am May 12. His visitation was that next night and his funeral was Monday. It was a sweet peaceful funeral. He was laid to rest next to my grandmother in a little country church were he attended when he was able to drive. Now he is walking the streets of gold with Mam-maw. It was so hard to see his house with his blue truck and know he wasn't there. But I know that I will see him again one day. And that is what I meant when my time was being well spent in other ways. I was spending precious time with my sweet pappaw. I gave up my gym time which is fine, but I do know I should have eaten better. This blog helps keep me accountable to I will try to post at least every other day so that hopefully I can stick to my healthy lifestyle.
I started my clean eating again. I try to eat veggies at every meal. I also started Jamie Eason's live fit plan and I can already see some results. I ran a 5K Saturday morning. So I am starting to get back in my old healthy routine. The weekends I STILL struggle with so I am going to post my weight every Monday morning with the hopes that it will help keep my weekends in check. It's like I take one bite of something I shouldn't and it all down hill from there.
well......since I started this post a few weeks ago i tried to edit it several times so I could finally post it but my computer would not let me. I kept getting an error message and it would not let me view my posts. ....until now... so Since then I ran yet another 5K however I was not into it. I wasn't feeling good and just couldn't wait for it to be over. A few days later Rog, Brylee and I went to see my brother in Phoenix, AZ, and his new fiance, and brand new baby girl..sweet Gabriella Rose. I will try to post my weight, food log, and exercise log tomorrow. ...if my computer lets me.
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