I can not believe it has been so long since I last posted! I never intended to go so long with out posting a thing but ah-well, life happens.
I guess I will just give a quick update of all that has been going on the past few weeks and then try to maintain regular postings.
Success school was AWESOME!! It was so great that we signed up to go to the one in Atlanta this upcoming January and hopefully will be taking some friends along with us. Here are some nuggets that I took away from it
1) Let your action prove you're committed to your vision
2) Live your dreams and share your passion
3) Do I want to build someone else's empire or do I want to build my own.
4) Find a way not an excuse....(which I am the best at...finding an excuse that is)
I do NOT know why this is so ridiculously hard for me to do!! I just freeze up! :(
So that's where my AdvoCare stands right now, just need to work on me.
I still haven't found a job but I think I have some great leads on a few positions that I would really enjoy and be blessed to have. I just gotta keep the faith that God's plan is best whatever it is and it will work out in his timing.
We went to the beach last week and it was Ah.MazE-ING! So much funnnn! I got dark and tan, sat on the beach, went around the lazy river a hundred or so times, collected sea shells, built sand castles all that good stuff. We stayed at the Phoenix West, in Orange Beach, AL and it was so nice! Beach access and huge rooms. It was a dream. Brylee loved it so much more this year. As soon as we would step foot on the sand she would bend down and start digging! It was soo cute.

....The Beach!! It was beautiful!

Our Condo living area

Bry looking for crabs at night.

Our crazy hats!!

The kitchen

Brylee eating noodles

Sweet girl!
After our sweet vacay I was good and ready for another cleanse. So Monday was my start date! this is my third round of doing the cleanse (I do it every 3 months) and I am sticking to it to a T this time, I am already down 4 lbs! Wahooo....and it's only day 3! So excited! If you have any questions about the AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse please let me know.
Also, another big even happened Monday. It was Brylee's first day of preschool. Waaaaa! I cried just a little. She just too little, it's not time for her to be going to preschool. She was just born yesterday...I mean I can not believe how fast time just zooms by. I have really, really enjoyed the time I have got to spend with her over the last month. It has been just wonderful. It was a dream come true!

Isn't she a doll?

Walking into preschool!
I hope everyone has a good rest of the week, and hopefully I will be able to post that I got a job!