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Tuesday, September 17, 2013


    I swore to myself the last time I went a few weeks without a blog post that I wouldn't let it happen again, and I did...grrr.  It's been a long couple of weeks, just with the stress of being with out a job and all and the uncertainty of not knowing what was going to happen that I did stress eat a little...ok, a lot probably.  You can always tell if I am stressed out...just look in my pantry... it would probably be half empty.  It's the one thing I still struggle with, sometimes I do great and go for a walk in stead and other times my stress and worry gets the best of me. 
  So a little bit of good news I need to announce...I GOT A JOB! YAHOO! I am very excited and thrilled for this opportunity.  It is completely a type of position that I feel like I will really thrive at and I think it will be a lot less stressful than my other job. It is a little bit less than what I was making but not enough to matter that much. I start Sept. 23, this coming up Monday.  I can't wait to get started and get settled in and in a routine again. 
    I have been doing ok with my workouts.  I have been going to some more spin classes while Brylee is in preschool, and I get such a good workout in there!!  I love it.  Sometimes I think I am not going to be able to finish this class it is so tough, but I just keep going and push through it.  I haven't started the Jamie Eason yet, but do plan on it this week or starting next week.  I did my weight program that I had made for me at the gym about every other day instead.  My friend Janna and I are going to run in our church's 5K this October.  It's a run to raise money to help with families wanting to adopt children. Such a great cause!! If anyone around Ridgeland, Madison, Jackson MS interested in learning more or want to sign up as well you can click here .  So we are going running tonight to see how much training we need to do.  I haven't run in a while.  I do it every summer. I get out of it because of the heat and then when the cooler weather starts to creep in I get the itch again. 

   I've been thinking, and this will be really hard for me to do, one, because I will have to be completely honest with myself and two, because I will have to be honest with all of you that read this, even if it is not many, it will still make it difficult. But I think in order to help hold myself accountable I will write down everything I eat on here and my exercise for the day.  And I will completely HONEST.  I will start for tomorrow and do it for a week and see how that goes.  My posts may be short a day or two or week but I will really do my best to get it up. 

I seriously hopes that this will help me and that I start regular blogging again. I do enjoys it.  Here are a few pictures of my weekend.
 This is how Brylee rides to preschool sometimes...with a blanket over her head..haha!

 Saying prayers for a sweet friend just diagnosed with leukemia.  

 Being silly!!

 Visiting Daddy and his work for the youth dove hunt.  She loved trying to catch butterflies and going on nature hunts
See you all tomorrow!!!

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