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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 1: A Success!

Today was a good day!! Yay!  I drank my water, had no chocolate, and ate well.....even at the wedding.  I woke up around 8 am and did some laundry and house cleaning, ate some cheerios and almond milk. Brylee then woke up and we just played and colored a little bit. I went to old navy to try and find a new dress to wear to the wedding but it looked as though all their summer stuff was gone and only a few XS on the rack.  O well, at least I got Bry Bry a new dress.  I did find some shirts that I liked, so I bought three of them in different colors.  I wore purple and white, and Bry did too, we matched it was cute!  For  lunch I had veggie subway sandwich with avocado.  And supper I had a baked potato. I will try to get in more veggies tomorrow.  I had a bite of wedding cake at the wedding but that was it.  The wedding was sweet but freakin HOT because it was like 205 degrees outside.  Seriously, the back of my shirt was wet and every time someone gave be a hug I had to wipe their sweat off my face that they would leave behind. Gggrosss!  Then I came home and went grocery shopping ..got a few things for a whopping hundred bucks! actually $ 100.77.  I need to learn how to extreme coupon shop.  I am currently trying to figure how to upload photos from my google+ on my phone to here so hopefully I can post my pictures tomorrow!  Nighty night!

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