Last night my friend Janna and I went for a little run at the park. It was a lot of fun having a buddy to run with and the heat was not bad at all.

Me before the run :)
The parked was packed, I could hardly find anywhere to park. Before I left I told Brylee that I was gonna go for a fun, so she went and got me her hello kitty fan so I could keep sweet!
I love looking at my phone because often times Brylee will get it during the day to play some games but she loves to take pictures of herself so I get cute funny pictures like this.....

So SO Silly!
So, today is the day that I write and post every.single.thing that I ate during the day. I started with some oatmeal soaked overnight in unsweetened almond milk, then added in an egg white for some added protein. The egg white really makes it very creamy you can't taste the "egg" at all. I warmed the apples a little in the microwave to get them soft then added them to the oats along with some chia seeds. Not bad and it kept me full for a long time. I also took my usual Catalyst and Thermoplus. The thermoplus practically burns calories just by taking it and the catalyst is like lipo in a bottle, helps to get rid of the fat and not the muscle...SCORE! oh, and what breakfast is complete with out some spark to get me through the day. I still can't believe I haven't had coffee since March.

I ended up having to take Brlyee to the doctor because has been having a horrible cough worsening at night and it got so bad around 2 am this morning that I though i was gonna have to take her to the ER. It was like she was having trouble breathing. I got her calmed down and I called her doctor first thing this morning and got her an appointment at 11:15 am. Turns out she has a touch of croup and sinus infection so she got an antibiotic and some steroids and it hasn't slowed her down one bit...that's my girl!
This is us being silly waiting for the doctor ...

...Bry after getting a prize for being so good at the doctor's office
For lunch we met up with some family friends and I had my usual trio with Asian edamame salad, some kind of pasta salad and thee lentil vegetable soup. Never. gets. old! and Water of course. I did eat one bite of bread but I didn't even nibble Bry's left over sandwhich or cookie. But I did forget to take a picture of it. We ran a few errands then came home.
I had this for a snack...
My mother-in-law gave be some peanuts to boil, so I did. They were a little salty but pretty good for my first time to boil them my self. My pap-paw used to make the best boiled peanuts ever!!! I went for a run this afternoon again with Janna, we did about 2 miles and then I came home played with Brylee, put her to bed and went walking with my mother in law while doing arm exercises with 3 lbs weights in each arm. I made an omelet for supper with egg whites, tomatoes, chilies, onion, and a lil cheese. Pretty good and hit the spot!

..(more of an egg scramble)
Here is my log for the day...I do have to admit it did help me from eating chocolate at Maw's house among other things because I knew I didn't need it. I did realize that I probably ate too many peanut/ and peanut products in one day...good to know !
And because my child love to take pictures of herself her is a Brylee selfie of the day
Night night!!