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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Headache= rest day

     What. a. day. If I never after to answer another phone call in my life I think I will be just fine.  You know the saying, "if I had a nickel for every time that.....??"  Well, if I could get a nickel for every time I had to answer the phone at work I wouldn't be worried that my position was about to be terminated.  Gah!!  Off my soap box.....(for now....lol)
      Needless to say I started getting a horrible headache around noon and it didn't let up till just a little while ago.  I'm sure it's stress related. I took some Tylenol when I got home and then my wonderful mother-in-law treated Brlyee and I to Corner Bakery for supper. One of our all time favorite eats!!  I got the trio with Lentil soup, Asian salad, and some other pasta salad. It was yummy! then she watched Bry for me for a little while so I could lay down. Thank you!!

This is Bry singing "wash my hands, wash my hands in the afternoon" at the restaurant..so cute.
I didn't go to the gym today b/c my head was hurting so bad. I wanted to go to the Step class again but could just feel my head pounding with each move so I opted out this time. 
I got my alarm set for the spin class in the morning though!! :) Hopefully I will be feeling better after a good night's sleep. Oh, I did go to a beginners step class on Tuesday night. I think I did pretty good for it being only my second step class...I followed most the moves ok except for this one where you had to turn all the way around on the step thing. I could never figure out how we were supposed to know which way to turn and I got the other moves right except sometimes I managed to always be working the opposite leg/side of my body that the instructor was telling us to use....lol. Told ya I had a lack of coordination.
So this Saturday I am pumped bc I am going to Birmingham, AL for an AdvoCare 360 Event. I love learning all I can about these wonderful products and how I can continue to become the healthiest me I can be.  Let's pray I don't get lost. Along with my gift of no coordination, I am also gifted with no sense of directions!   Will definitely take my Happy Mommy Juice ..aka SPARK to help me stay alert. 
Nighty night!!

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