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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Christmas in July

    Fa-la-la-la...  haha...it feels like Christmas...for me anyways. I'll explain in a sec..

First thing this morning I got up and went to the gym.  I got to the gym around 8:00 or so and did 30  min on the elliptical.  Then I went downstairs for the 9:00 spin class. This morning's instructor was Rochelle. And boy she is awesome!!! I was drenched when I left there. It was a fantastic workout! Can't wait till Monday's 5:30am Class.   Here is a weird photo I snapped.... I got to class extra early :)

  A spin selfie before class started.
After a great sweat sesh, I headed home, showered and got ready.  For what you ask?? Well, we went to look at camper trailers and I had another great sweat session, just not from working out, I really almost had a heat stroke. Good think I drank some Rehydrate before hand.  It was a lot of fun. And I tell you what, some of those things are nicer than my home! It's unreal how fancy they get. A fire place, a vessel sink, a glass shower door.  Bry's favorite thing was to check out all the bathrooms...haha.  Strange kid I tell ya.    Brylee had come to the camper place yesterday with the hubs on his day off so today she was telling us all about it and as we were walking up to them she kept saying, "sweetie, you are going to freak out!" lol. It was too funny.  (she calls one of her grandmas, Sweetie) 
 Bry found her favorite!

 the kitchen area

...my little Sassyfrass!
From there I went to Fleet Feet where I finally got some new running shoes! Wohoo! they are the same as my last ones just newer. And the feel ah-maz-ing!! I also got a new sports bra, and some socks.  I can mark that off my to-do list. 

  The top I got at Old Navy. The Sports Bra is a high impact, Moving Comfort one.  It's very supportive. 
Look what else I got in the mail, my third lung...haha. Can't wait to try out the O2 gold!
It helps your body utilize it's oxygen so that you done tire out as fast.
I also got some Nighttime recovery, and I took some tonight, so I will letcha know how I feel in the am.
And that's why it feels like Christmas in July, cause I racked up today! Wohoo!!
 Oh, Bry and I had a push up contest the other night, and of course she won ;)
Tomorrow we are off to go to church with a friend of Roger's and see some sunflowers in bloom.

Friday, July 19, 2013


   I think I have fallen in love with Spin! I have been getting up at 4:45 to make it to the MWF early am classes, so that says a lot.  It's awesome. I love the music pumping, my legs burning, and the feeling you get when you are done.  You get used to your rear hurting. My boo-tay hurt worse from the seat than the actual workout at first.  The morning ladies that have been in the morning classes are a hoot! That makes it fun too.  My goal this week is to come up with a weight lifting program, run, and get measured. I signed up for a 5K on a whim and it's next Saturday...Ahhhh!.  It is so humid some days that I just can't bring myself to run outside. I have been running on the tread mill some at the gym. My treadmill isn't working at the home currently. The screen says "Lube belt" or something to that extent.  We have googled it and you tube how to do it properly and can't get it working. It will work for just a little while then quit.  If any one has any ideas, let me know.. Thanks!
         So guess what else?!?  I have job interview with a different home health agency doing exactly what I am doing now! It is completely crazy at my current job. I feel so helpless.  I can't help my team with their problems because I am not being trained on the new system.  I'm used to jumping in and trying to help solve their problems and now all I say is "I'm so sorry that I can't help you." My poor branch manager was in tears today.  My fear is that if I were to get an offer and accept a position at a new home health agency I will only have to do this later. Part of me is burnt out on home health, but another part enjoys it. I also applied to some positions for a case manager at some local hospitals around the area.  We will see. I pray God will show me where he can use me the most. 
      I'm glad it's Friday. My plans for the weekend are to get caught up with laundry tonight, go to Spin in the morning, maybe get some new shoes and a sports bra (finding one that I can run in comfortably is tough), going swimming and laying out, catching up with Nikki and Deuce, and go to church Sunday.  Maybe I will get one of those things done. ha!

This is Brylee fixing us strawberry shortcakes for Pappy's Birthday!  She can tell you step by step the proper way to make them. She is very proud of her self,

My lunch from the other day! Scrumptious!  Get in my belly!

Sorry my pics are kinds boring today! Hope you all have a great night...tootles

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer heat

  Every day seems to be so emotionally draining more and more. I know my time at my current job with my friends is coming to an end soon and it just makes me so sad.  I am trying to think positive, I really am, but when you work with such an amazing group of coworkers you become like a family. It stinks to say goodbye.  I dread it. I don't want to do it.  I just start crying when ever I think about it or someone ask me a question regarding it.  <sniff>
   Other than that I guess my day was pretty good. Brylee went to my mom's house this morning.  I still got to work 25 min early.  Worked all day.....here is a pic recycled from instagram earlier...Crazy, I know!

I had my heater going in the heat of summer! 
I was so cold, and I had a dress on so that made it worse.
I plugged that sucker up and it felt so good, I wanted to crawl up under my desk and watch hulu.
It reminded me of a tanning bed..(which I do NOT do anymore..I came to my senses)
After work I went and picked up Brylee. She fell asleep on the way home and I had to wake her up when we got to the gym.  I took her to the play room and they say she did ok until the very end and she had a little accident. Poor baby! I think she was embarrassed.   Make my heart ache to know she was upset.  We went and got a treat when we left, so hopefully that made it a little better.  But I did go to a spin class! and WOW! it was soooo much fun! It was tough, but sooo good! I will definitely be going back...for sure!!  I can't wait until the next one. 
   Then we came home, ate some supper, and went for a four wheeler ride. Fun stuff! Now Brylee is passed out and I am about to be.
    Oh, a question to any of you other bloggers out there who might read this...do you know how I can add tabs to my blog, so I can have a home, about me, weight loss story, ect?? I can not figure it out. do i need another layout ?? I need to go to a blogging class or something. I wonder if they have those. 
Ok, I'm out. As Bry says...peace and wuv! ;)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Road Trip

   Everyone having a good Sunday? Mine has been great! Got some much needed sleep last night and Brylee woke me up bright and early at 7am saying, "Mommy, it's morning time." I laid there a little while longer then got up and got ready for church. I was having a good hair day too. haha.   Got Brylee fed and ready for church. Roger stayed home to get some work done. Listened to some great praise and worship music and a wonderful sermon.  I really no longer have a baby any more. Now all I have to do is watch her open the car door and crawl into her car seat and fasten her belt all by herself.  Boohoo!!
 After church we came home fixed a sandwich and fruit for lunch then went swimming!  That makes for a great Sunday afternoon. Then Aunt Beth Ann came over to visit. We grilled out and played outside.
Brylee eating some "jelly bread"       
I think her eyes are bigger than her stomach. :)
Oh, let me rewind, Friday while at work, I decided it would be much easier for us to go to Birmingham that afternoon than to get up and drive before the seminar and then drive again back home. Too much driving for one day. 
Me so excited I am work.. I cleaned all my pics and stuff
off all my wall..that's why it's bare ;(
So after talking to the hubs and my mother in law we decided to leave Friday afternoon.  So we came home from work packed and headed out on the road. 
Got my essentials.......
Now I'm packed and ready...lol ;)
After I packed the car we were on our way.....
Yayy! For a road trip!
We stopped on the way in Meridian at Red Lobster for some supper...it was pretty good!
Parmesan tilapia with broccoli and grilled veggies!!  
We got to the hotel late that night and boy did we pick the wrong hotel!  I didn't get to sleep until after 3:30 am because it sounded as though there were people running up and down the hall on the floor above us. If I had had some sleep works I would have given them some! Geez! 
So by the time I fell asleep my alarm was going off. We got up got ready and packed and went to down town Birmingham. The AdvoCare 360 seminar started at 10 am.  It was great! Very good speakers.  A few nuggets that I took from them: 
- I need to see adversity as a challenge, I need to welcome it, because it will make me stronger, and adversity is preparation for greatness
-Adversity is life's university and all of us are life time students.
This hit home with me especially with my whole job situation.  I know that this experience, this adversity, that I am facing is only going to make me stronger and I need to be thankful for it.  The Lord will not give me more than I can handle.
-the number one worry for people is related to money and finances
- I need to set and stick to a budget...this one is hard for me*
We also had a quick product training. It was very good. I love learning about health and nutrition.
After that we came home. We stopped in the hubs college town and reminisced some. Wow how has it changed.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  What did you do?




Thursday, July 11, 2013

Headache= rest day

     What. a. day. If I never after to answer another phone call in my life I think I will be just fine.  You know the saying, "if I had a nickel for every time that.....??"  Well, if I could get a nickel for every time I had to answer the phone at work I wouldn't be worried that my position was about to be terminated.  Gah!!  Off my soap box.....(for now....lol)
      Needless to say I started getting a horrible headache around noon and it didn't let up till just a little while ago.  I'm sure it's stress related. I took some Tylenol when I got home and then my wonderful mother-in-law treated Brlyee and I to Corner Bakery for supper. One of our all time favorite eats!!  I got the trio with Lentil soup, Asian salad, and some other pasta salad. It was yummy! then she watched Bry for me for a little while so I could lay down. Thank you!!

This is Bry singing "wash my hands, wash my hands in the afternoon" at the restaurant..so cute.
I didn't go to the gym today b/c my head was hurting so bad. I wanted to go to the Step class again but could just feel my head pounding with each move so I opted out this time. 
I got my alarm set for the spin class in the morning though!! :) Hopefully I will be feeling better after a good night's sleep. Oh, I did go to a beginners step class on Tuesday night. I think I did pretty good for it being only my second step class...I followed most the moves ok except for this one where you had to turn all the way around on the step thing. I could never figure out how we were supposed to know which way to turn and I got the other moves right except sometimes I managed to always be working the opposite leg/side of my body that the instructor was telling us to use....lol. Told ya I had a lack of coordination.
So this Saturday I am pumped bc I am going to Birmingham, AL for an AdvoCare 360 Event. I love learning all I can about these wonderful products and how I can continue to become the healthiest me I can be.  Let's pray I don't get lost. Along with my gift of no coordination, I am also gifted with no sense of directions!   Will definitely take my Happy Mommy Juice ..aka SPARK to help me stay alert. 
Nighty night!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Weekend Recap!

Howdy folks!!  Can you believe it's Monday again??  Yeah, me either.  I'll do a recap of my weekend, since I know you all are just dying to know....haha.
   Saturday morning I went to the gym.  I went to a "learn the basics" type of spin class.  At first I was the only one in there and the instructor was giving me a one-on-one lesson but then 10 min into it another lady joined us.  It was fun!! I loved the music and it was a great workout. I was even sore in my upper body.  I plan on going to a "big girl" spin class next.  I also ran a mile on the treadmill and did a few minutes on the elliptical.  It felt good to sweat.  I need to get measured and also get my work out plan from the trainers there at the gym.  Maybe I will call in the am and make an appointment. :) . So that was my morning.  Then I came home showered and Bry and I braved the Saturday noon crowd at WalMart.  I guess that's better than Sunday's crowd.  I was completely out of toilet paper. When you are rummaging through your purse trying to find some extra Kleenex then you know it's time to weather the storm and take the little one to Walmart and pray you are able to get a few items on your list before there is a melt down. I am proud to report she was a little lady and very well behaved.  After that we came home and went swimming in Maw's pool and got some sun.  Then that night my husband's coworker took us to dinner. And where did we go?? Cazadores of course! I could eat there every day, twice a day. lol.
Some of my gym essentials!

Sunday we got up went to church, went to Newk's...ya know, the usual Sunday ritual.  I decided to go to the gym again.  I wanted to go to the Work out of the Day class that I had done last Sunday but it was a different instructor and when I saw those glide things on the floor (where you have to wear those shoe things) I chickened out and left. I was like, heck no! I will fall flat on my face. I pretty much have zilch coordination. It wouldn't have been pretty. ( I can't even clap on beat at church, I'm always off) After, I snuck casually walked out of the class, I did a mile and a half on the treadmill and 35 minutes on the elliptical.  Not too shabby. 
   I have to give a shout out to one of my besties, who is also my cousin, Nikki! hey girl Hey!! She texted me earlier b/c she found my blog and she wrote to me at the right time.  I needed her words of encouragement.  I don't get to see her that often any more just b/c of work and we both have families but she is someone that I would still call if I needed anything and I know that she would be there in an instant.  I still feel like I could tell her anything, she just gets me.  We used to live together at our Mam-maw's house and that was some of the best times of my life.  She deserves her own whole blog post. But until then I have to leave you with some old pics of us. We also used to travel every where together when I was a nanny! It was AWE.SOME!!
And this was my view while walking yesterday afternoon!  Too sweet and she had an orange face by the time we were finished.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Fourth on the fifth!

     After everything going on at work recently, I went Wednesday and got there on time at 8:00 and by 10:30 I had had all I could take of it.  So I left. I broke down and left.  I haven't had many breakdowns (work related since I transferred from our Brandon office to my current location in Madison) but I did Wednesday. I cried and let it out. I am so mad and frustrated that all my hard work and time that I have given that company can just be thrown away and someone else who doesn't even do half their job gets to stay. But whatev!!  I don't think I would like it anyway if I was one of the 3 people left in the office. I really just think I am going to take my severance package and say see ya later to that place.  I was so mentally exhausted Wednesday that I was tired physically.  I came home and enjoyed my time with Brylee.  It was wonderful! We went and got fro-yo and snuggled watching Max and Ruby :)
She won't look at the camera...lol!
My sweet Girl!
That afternoon, we came home and got the yard ready for our Fourth of July celebration.  We got a badminton set and got the net put up and cleaned out the pool!  Brylee was ready to play!

Bry carrying out the bag that was as big as she was.
The badminton was a hit!  If you have never played before it is a lot of fun!!  and a good workout!
here are some more pics from the week....
Brylee playing some air guitar....She sure can rock it!

This is my before and after picture that I finally made. The before is March 13 before I started on AdvoCare products and the other is June 2013- currently :) making progress

We always celebrate July 4th as Brylee's half birthday...it's so easy to remember

Making banana pudding. yummy!

After Church last Sunday...love how Bry always adds her touch to the pictures as you click the button

Having fun with daddy

 her new dinosaur feet. 
Tonight I am going to the gym for some Cardio and plan to go to a spinning class in the morning.