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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Step class and tee ball

I finally made it to an aerobic class at a new gym I have a short pass yesterday. I got there early to make sure I got Brylee situated in the child care area ok.  This was her first time going and I was a little nervous at how she would go in, and then act when I left. But she did awesome!!  I did 30 min on the elliptical then went to a 45 minute step class. I was soooo lost during it but it was pretty fun!  There was another girl there and she said it was pretty confusing to her also and that that class was only her third time to go.  She was great for it only being her third time.  Too make it even worse for me I have absolutely no rhythm!!  Even at church I can't even clap on beat so you can only imagine what I look like in there! It's ok I don't care if you laugh ;) 
     I didn't make it to the gym today. Brylee had a tee ball game at 6pm.  That seems to be the absolute worst time for her to have any activity. She is just too tired. She falls asleep on the drive, then is a booger bear to wake up, and then is just grumpy and tired for the game. She wouldn't run or hit the ball or anything.  But it was too stinking hot today and her little cheeks got so red.  We have another game this Saturday morning which is her pictures. This should be fun.  Maybe if I don't go she will behave. 
     In other news, I still haven't heard anything regarding that position I want at work. But still not losing hope!  I am just so frustrated at how the slackers get to keep a job and the ones that are there on time, and work a full day, are the ones being let go!!  Ugh! I know that everything will work out in the end, I know it!
     I had my meal replacement shake today for breakfast, along with my Spark fruit punch, then for snack I had some snap peas and hummus. The white bean hummus is awesome!! Even Roger eats it up.  (and by the way he is down 2 more lbs)
It is soooo good!!
Then for lunch I had an AdvoBar with strawberry-mango Spark!  Helps me make finish the day strong.  For supper we went to Newks after the game and I had some chicken tortilla soup.
I am setting my alarm for 4:45 in the am and I hope I make it to the gym for a spin class. We have dinner plans and then we are going to an AdvoCare training to learn more about the products!! I can't wait! Going to be a great day. Goodnight all!
One more thing before I forget, if you guys don't mind, please keep a dear friend and her mother in your prayers.  Her mom just got diagnosed with stage III lung cancer. Please pray that they stay strong and remain faithful. Thanks!

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