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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Hump day!

   Happy Hump day!  I was somewhat dreading this week because we are short staffed at work but knock on wood, it hasn't been too bad. I had to go in the field today and see patients, but sometimes it's nice to get out of the office and take a ride in the country.  I have been feeling Ah-Maze-ing lately, thanks to AdvoCare.  My whole outlook is different.
   Let me back up till this weekend, and give you a quick recap.  Sunday morning I got up and ran 6 MILES...yahoo!! only 2 more weekends until my 10 K. I think I can, I think I can.  After my run I came home, and got ready. Then we went to church and came home and all had lunch together. My mom and dad, and his mom and dad came over.  This was my mother's day gift...
 It's beautiful!
We hung out at Maw's house for a while and watched as the men folk did some yard work.  Haha...that makes me chuckle out loud to say men folk.  Anyways, Brylee wanted to hunt for worms. So, the hubs found her one and this was her reaction....lol
She acted like she didn't like it but would pick them up and put them with their "mommy" and "daddy"
Monday, it was back to the grind.  I went to the gym Monday night, and skipped Tuesday night.  It's amazing how time just slips away from you.  Before I knew it last night it was like 10:30, so I went to sleep. I set my alarm for 4:50 this morning, and got up at 5:00 am and then hit the gym for an early work out. I knew today was going to be long so I wanted to be sure to get that in.  I even went by Kroger this morning to get a few things.
     I am getting the word out about how wonderful AdvoCare is and SPARKed Mel, my manager.  Don't you want to feel that good?? lol ;)
Be More Awesome...with AdvoCare!!
Today when I got home from work I warmed up some leftovers and Brylee went for a bike ride and I went for a little walk.  We were wishing we were heading to the swimming pool.  Won't be long now. 
<---Yum!! even better left over I think.

what?? you don't ride your trike in your leopard swimsuit?
Hope you all have a great night!



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