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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Genghis Grill

     Today was a good day, although I wasn't sure if it was going to be when I woke up.  My sweet baby girl started running a fever again last night.  I gave her some Motrin and that seemed to do the trick, so far no fever today. Just sneezy and a runny nose.  We got up, laid around, then went to pick up my  lifelong friend, Beth Ann.  We went to Barnes and Noble where I got a new vegan cookbook.  Can't wait to try out some new recipes.  Then we wen to a new restaurant Genghis Grill.  It is new to our area and it was sooo yummmy!!  Its a place where they make stir fry exactly the way you like it.  First, you pick whether you want noodles, steamed rice, brown rice, fried rice, then you go along this buffet style bar where you fill your bowl up with everything you want in your stir fry, I had tofu, sprouts, bell peppers, mushrooms, green beans, carrots, Bok-choy, onions, and other things, (my Bowl was full)  then you pick your sauce, and they had a lot to choose from. I got a sweet/tangy soy sauce.  It was so good even Brylee liked it. I will definetly be going back there.....maybe tomorrow after Church ;)  Once I start liking a place I could go there every day for every meal.  It that weird?? Who cares?? 
Here is a picture of my bowl!! It's making me hungry just looking at it!
Here is Bry being silly!

And this was my breakfast...almond milk, spinach, ice, and banana. Very Good!
Well I'm off to walk on the treadmill and watch a movie!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

YAY! The diet bet officially started today. I need to keep this in the back of my mind when I thing I just have to have that extra candy bar or scoop of ice cream.  The pot I think is up to $880 WOW! I didn't think it would get that much.  I have been doing good on my goals....sort of.  I have been drinking more water and I haven't had chocolate in a few days.  On the other hand I haven't strength trained yet or logged a single mile.  I will either get on the treadmill later tonight or do a P90X workout.  If my back allows.  I have been having lots of trouble with my back hurting, so bad sometimes I can hardly walk or change positions so an exercise DVD has been out of the question lately.  I have been going to the chiropractor for a couple of months now.  I also increased the firmness on my sleep number bed which has surprisingly helped.  It still hurts sometimes, it's just not as intense.  My church is having their first 5K coming up in November and I think it's only 10 bucks. I plan on signing up for that and maybe that will give me enough time to train to run a 5K again.  Work was super crazy as usual today.  I am beginning to think it will never ever slow down.  I am so mentally drained by the time I come home that I have just physically tired.  Sometimes I think less pay and less stress would be worth it.  I didn't have much for breakfast...just some coffee.  For lunch I had a veggie sushi roll with brown rice, an orange for snack and a lettuce and guacamole salad with a side of pico de gallo l and some chips...but I didn't over indulge, so a huge accomplishment for me.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


   I was checking out some new blogs tonight when I came across this cool competition starting up.  It's an online diet bet.  Everyone who wants to play pays 20 bucks.  Everyone weighs in starting September 6 and it will go for 28 days. Everyone who looses 4% of their body weight gets to split the the total amount. I first saw it on this site.  I think its a great idea and maybe the push I need to get my butt back motivated again.  If you would like to joint just go here.  I think we have 14 people, and if it gets to 20 then $100 gets added to the pot. Pretty cool.  Today's post is short and sweet tonight.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 1: A Success!

Today was a good day!! Yay!  I drank my water, had no chocolate, and ate well.....even at the wedding.  I woke up around 8 am and did some laundry and house cleaning, ate some cheerios and almond milk. Brylee then woke up and we just played and colored a little bit. I went to old navy to try and find a new dress to wear to the wedding but it looked as though all their summer stuff was gone and only a few XS on the rack.  O well, at least I got Bry Bry a new dress.  I did find some shirts that I liked, so I bought three of them in different colors.  I wore purple and white, and Bry did too, we matched it was cute!  For  lunch I had veggie subway sandwich with avocado.  And supper I had a baked potato. I will try to get in more veggies tomorrow.  I had a bite of wedding cake at the wedding but that was it.  The wedding was sweet but freakin HOT because it was like 205 degrees outside.  Seriously, the back of my shirt was wet and every time someone gave be a hug I had to wipe their sweat off my face that they would leave behind. Gggrosss!  Then I came home and went grocery shopping ..got a few things for a whopping hundred bucks! actually $ 100.77.  I need to learn how to extreme coupon shop.  I am currently trying to figure how to upload photos from my google+ on my phone to here so hopefully I can post my pictures tomorrow!  Nighty night!