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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why blog?

     So today I decided I would explain why I decided to start a blog.  I  just recently started to even understand what a blog was...like within the last week. I googled clean eating blog and came across clean eating chelsey .  I read one post and was hooked. I thought "I can do this."  What a great way to share your stories and meet new friends that enjoy the same things you do. Its a great way to get encouragement and be an encouragement to others.  So, a few days ago I created my blog. 
     My entire life I have either been overweight, on a diet, or not caring and putting into my body anything and everything.  I have tried probably every diet out there. NONE OF THEM WORKED. I have come to realize that what I needed to loose weight and become healthy was not a diet but a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.  Big difference.
    I reached my heaviest weight after the birth of my daughter, who was born 1-4-10. I guess I thought I was still eating for two, or three, or four. I was completely disgusted with myself and very disappointed that I let myself get that heavy and unhealthy.  I had lost a lot of weight my first year in college and swore to myself that I would never let myself get to that point again. I was so devastated that not only had I reached that point but I totally surpassed it.  So one day I had just had enough. I went and joined a gym and so it began. I bought fitness magazines and healthy eating cookbooks. I managed to loose about 60 pounds from May  2010 to June of 2011, then I thought I would try some fad diets to help get the weight off faster.  It worked for a few weeks, and I lost 25 more pounds. But I was hungry, irritable, and dizzy all the time. I couldn't do it anymore. I decided that if  I lost the first 60 pounds by doing it the right way then that's how I was going to continue.  I want to be healthy so I can be good example for my daughter. I want fruits, vegetables, whole foods, and exercise to be a part of her everyday life so that when she gets older it will come natural to her.  I want to be a good role modle for her.

Here is a pic of me around my heaviest weight, about 85 lbs ago.

Here is a current picture of me .
 I also wanted to incorporate the fact that I am a full time working mother of two one (haha...sometimes my husband acts like my child..haha..love ya hunny!). She is the joy of my life.  Having a full time, sometimes stressful job and a young daughter has made my journey, at times, more challenging but I wouldn't have it any other way..well except for having a full time job. Sometimes I wish I could stay home and play with Bry all day.  That would be a dream come true.

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