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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Total 360

This morning, when I woke up, I ain't gonna lie..... I felt like poop on a stick. 
My mouth was sooo dry, I could barely move my tongue, my nose was so stopped up I think it was starting to come out my ears.... oh, and how can I forget, my head weighed 20 lbs and my throat was so sore! Blah!  I went to work even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.  But...my sweet baby girl's first program is tomorrow at church and I will have to miss some work due to that so I pushed through.  After report, I went down the street to a care plus clinic- (walk in type) got me a decadron  shot and some prescriptions, went back to work, worked a little, drank me a SPARK started feeling a lot better, then went and got Brylee and took her the walk in clinic.  I knew she had a sinus infection too, so I took her there instead of her regular pediatrician, just to get in and out fast and get her to feeling better.  And I am glad to say she is.  She is my wild child.
       I took her home after the doctor, went back to work to wrap some things up, then went and weighed in, and I am down 2.6 lbs! woohooo!! so pumped. I was feeling so much better! It was a complete 360 of how I felt when I woke up. I then came home, cooked some supper, cleaned the kitch, did some laundry, went for a quick run of 1.5 mile, did a shoulder/ bicep workout, and then walked another 1.5 mile. Not to shabby!  And that is with my sinus infection.  Here is a pic of me doing some weights...not sure of the legit name, and I think its actually a tricep move..lol..who cares!

Here are some pics I tried to post yesterday our first run together. She did so good!!

Go Bry Go!!!

I think this is where her legs got tired....to cute. I hope you all had a great day!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Go Get Healthy!

  I have been thinking for a couple of months now about possibly becoming an AdvoCare distributer and selling the products that I tried and LOVED! So, today, I decided to take that chance, and I am so, SO, so excited.  I am excited about the opportunity and I am excited to be excited about something I have become passionate about.  Can you tell I am a tad excited??

    I have tried lots of products out there but the products at AdvoCare are the only ones that made a true difference.  I have become a healthier me and it feels great.  I care about what goes into my body and I have lots of energy, which is needed since I have a three year old wild child. 
    It is also important to me to be a good example to my daughter.  She is the main reason I started my weight loss journey in the first place.  I know that I can tell her to exercise, or eat healthy foods but my actions are what will have the most influential impact on her now and in the future.  She sees me eating an orange and says, "Mommy, can I have some?"  Little things like that.  Even today she went to her first fun run.  It was about a mile.  It was so cute, we got about 150 yards out from the start and she said, "mommy my legs are tired"  HAHA!!  But she kept going, I had to carry her just a little, but she did a great job, and we did it together. 
      My big 3-0 birthday is in August, and it's a pretty big birthday I think, so I am determined to be in the best shape and be the healthiest I have ever been by the time I turn 30.  After that, I won't count my birthdays anymore, so since I will be 30 forever, I need to be lookin' good.  Sounds like a good plan to me. 
    I have put my running on hold this week due to pain I have been experiencing in right calf lately. It has lessened so that is a good sign. I am going to give it a few more days.  I have continued to lift weights when I can (sometimes it is when Bry is in the bath tub) and do the elliptical and treadmill for walking. My calf doesn't hurt with either of those.  And since I couldn't do my "long run" of 4.5 miles this weekend I decided to do it on the elliptical - distance wise, and made it 6.2 miles,  I was pretty stoked, even though it's not the same as running I was happy with it. 
   If any of you lovely readers would like to try the AdvoCare products please go here www.advocare.com/130451200 and look around.  You can email me at Stephnbrylee@gmail.com with any questions you may have, or just leave me a question in the comments here and I will be glad to get in touch with you
I apologize for no pictures, I could not get them to upload. I will work and add them if I can get it figured out or on my next post.  Take Care!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Look closely

Good Afternoon!  I thought I was on a roll with blog posting regularly but seeing as how it has been nearly a month since I last posted that is not the case.  I will try to give a quick recap of what all have been doing lately. 
            After the Color Me Rad 5K, my coworker and I did the Run from the Sun 5K.  We finished in around 37 minutes (if I recall correctly). It was a lot of fun. It was at 5:00pm which was my first afternoon 5K.  I kind of liked it.  The following weekend we ran the Susan Komen, Race for the Cure 5K.  Our goal was to finish is 36 minutes or less, we crossed the finish line in 33:00 but I only had 3.0 miles on my Garmin.  Either way we totally killed our previous time.  Whooohoo!!  Catherine, my run partner, did the Warrior dash this weekend. I had to go to my sister’s wedding shower so I did not sign up for that.  However I will be doing the Dirty Gril Run with my old college roommate, Ashleigh, this November, which I think is a lot alike.  I’m kinda nervous about this one. 
       My weight watchers has not been going as good as it had been. I have gained .2 the last two weeks, and I am sure I will have gained when I weigh in tomorrow night.  Blah!  Nothing I can do about it now.  Just from this second on do better. Not tomorrow or Monday, but RIGHT NOW.  I have a hard time of listening to my body and it’s hunger signals at night and in the afternoons after work.  I am. So. Snackey!!  It’s like there is a gravitational  pull of my body towards the pantry. I think I am going to try and drink a meal replacement shake in afternoons for supper instead of the mornings and see if that will help with my snacking.  It’s worth a shot. 
     GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT!!  And No, I am not preggo.  I signed up for my first 10K.  It’s May 25th.  I have been doing the training from Hal Higdon’s 10 K program.  This weekend on Saturday, I got up early and ran my “long run.”  4 miles was on the agenda but I did 4.25 miles,  I took maybe a 30 second total walk break and probably average between 11:30-11:45 pace.  I always get slower at the end.  But I was super proud of my self.  I have also been lifting weights in my living room.  Biceps are my favorite to work. I tried to take a #flexbreak and if you looooook closely you can see the tail-tail outline of my bicep..haha!  it’s come a long way. 
I tired to get Bry to take a picture with me but she was NOT having it..LOL. so typical.

Here is a Funny pic of Brylee.  SHe found a lizard and when she picked it up it reached around to try to bite her.  That face is priceless. 
Hopefully it won't be another month until I post again, take care!